Saturday, June 16, 2012


I've declared this the summer of sewing!

My first project--a new bag for me, using a KWIK Sew pattern.  It was basically just four fat quarters sewn together to make a big block which is then gathered with elastic and the handles.

Then it was on to a project I've been wanting to do for a while, bonnets for the girls!  I used a fantastic pattern that I found online from this designer.  They turned out great!

Bringing a Little House on the Prairie feel to Philly...


Heading for the highway...


Waiting for Papa....

Monday, June 11, 2012

The other day I was down in the kitchen and noticed the tell-tale sign that something mischievous was happening upstairs--silence.  Imagine my delight when I peeked in on this scene:

Here are a few of Neva's most favorite activity these days...changing her baby's diaper!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Happy Birthday Neva! (or, Insane Amount of Pictures)

Last week we celebrated Neva's second birthday!  It was a wonderful day....

Neva wearing her birthday crown, helping to make cake...

Then off for a walk in Carpenter's Wood...

A walk in the woods is a sure way to get Frances to sleep!

Back at home for some special birthday gifts!  A lovely stroller from Mimi and Grandpa and a baby doll (my first attempt at making a doll!  The pattern I used is called a "heavy baby" as it is filled with millet, giving the doll a really nice feel.  The millet is also scented with lavender oil  for a soothing scent...)


Neva's birthday sweater--a tradition I'd like to continue for our children...

What fun!

Here's the last of my birthday crafting...a birthday crown for Neva with some of her favorite things:

Enjoying her new bed with Simon...


Gettting ready for our birthday feast...

Blowing out candles with Popeye!

Happy Birthday Neva!