Well, it's been a month exactly since the last time I saw you here! I can blame it a little on technical difficulties and a lot on the move to our new home.
So, in this past month we were:
.: celebrating Christmas in the midst of the chaotic move with a few days of peace up at my parents' house...there was much fireside knitting, sipping of wine, holding of children by people other than me, in a word, heaven.
.: packing, packing, packing...unpacking, unpacking, unpacking.
.: somehow finding time to knit, knit, knit.
.: learning to crawl, learning to clap, learning to wave, drawing tons of spiders.
.: painting the new kitchen, or rather, watching my father paint our new kitchen.
.: making a home for our family.
.: stretching out, settling in, breathing a little deeper knowing that we are HERE.
Hip hip Hooray!