Saturday, June 1, 2013

Three Years Old

On Thursday we celebrated Neva's third birthday!  In keeping with previous birthdays (ok, there have only been two!), it turned out to be a really hot day!  In the morning our sweet friends Kristen and Liem came over for some fun in the backyard.  After a long afternoon nap we headed to the grocery store to pick out a balloon.  Neva even got a lollipop from the man at the wine store!  When we got home Mum Mum and Popeye arrived for a birthday dinner and a few very sweet gifts from family. 

Throughout the day there were many calls from family and friends wishing Neva well on her birthday.  I was so touched to realize what a loved little girl she is and what a gift that is for a child--to be surrounded by love!

I found myself thinking so much during the day of Neva's birth, and what a joy it was to meet her!  I remember so clearly holding her in my arms for the first time and just being amazed at how I could love this person so intensely without knowing anything about her!  Now I have known Neva for three years and she is still such a delight to my heart!  


1 comment:

  1. And the girls are so lucky to have parents that value them at every stage of their little lives!
    P.S. Guess you didn't have to worry about a party dress for the backyard festivities :) I remember when I was growing up in the '50s (1950s), we had to wear stiff party dresses and patent leather shoes!
