Sunday, April 27, 2014

Easter (and a lot of pictures)

We had a wonderful Easter celebration last week! Our weekend began with dying eggs on Saturday morning...

In the afternoon I baked my traditional Loyola Easter bread,

And put the finishing touches on the girls' dresses...

I was quite pleased to find some sweet knitting patterns for egg cozies! (patterns are here and here)

On Easter morning, we headed out for an egg hunt before Mass.

We spent the rest of the day with Mum Mum, Popeye, Uncle Ryan and Aunt Cecilia...
Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter and Passover!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

This past month

We've been:

.: shedding jackets, coats, mittens, scarves and heading outside at every available minute. ("Mama!" Neva shouted to me as she ran outside in a t-shirt, "it's like my arms are FREE!")

.: digging up our backyard for a vegetable garden

.: continuing the never ending search for the rare and elusive WORM.

.: listening to Mary Poppins over and over and over again.

.: picking daffodils from our backyard, at times quite literally picking every single one within view.

.: enjoying these over  and over and of course this one.

.: refusing to allow myself to be intimidated by sewing and trying to finish up Easter dresses for the girls (as of tonight, one down, one to go)

.: stretching out and breathing in and ready for SPRING