Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Purple Brown Bear

One of the most delightful things happening around our house these days is Frances reading books to us.  Whenever we are reading together she will always ask, "Mama, when you're done reading your book can I read MY book?"  Most nights now she reads her bedtime stories to me.  The complete preciousness of it is just often too much and so I often end up letting her read, oh, five or six books.  How happy I am to indulge!

Here she is reading (with a little help from Neva) the classic "Brown Bear, Brown Bear"  As you'll see, most of the animals end up being purple....

.: June :.

Oh how we've been soaking up every bit of sunlight and summer on these long long days. 

Snacking on fresh strawberries from our friend's farm market for dessert.

Playing outside after dinner...a luxury we are afforded only this time of year!  Frances is just about outgrowing her swing which seems impossible.  It feels like THIS was just yesterday...

Yesterday we spent the day at  my favorite beach spot, Island Beach State Park.  We were joined by our dear friends, Kristen, Liem, and Emily.  There was much squealing, laughing, digging, splashing.  Both girls even ventured out with me (one at a time, of course!) to where the water was up to our shoulders.  Neva was clinging on for dear life but smiling and laughing.  Frances was completely serious as she was attempting to wriggle out of my arms and proclaiming, "Mama!  Let me swim!"

Friday, June 13, 2014

We've been...

.: celebrating Neva's 4th birthday!  Enjoying with grateful hearts our sweet, bright, delightful four-year-old.

.: Spending most days outside, planting and digging and drawing and splashing.

.: Moving Frances up to a proper bed.  If you know Frances, you can imagine that keeping her in that bed is not an easy task.

.: Trying not to laugh too loud as we listen in on their conversations after bedtime. Mostly they go, "Neva...let's get out of bed! Neva, let's go back downstairs!"

.: Marveling at how a little thing like a new bed can make a baby seem like a little girl in one day.

.: Loving these long, lazy days of summer.