Friday, June 13, 2014

We've been...

.: celebrating Neva's 4th birthday!  Enjoying with grateful hearts our sweet, bright, delightful four-year-old.

.: Spending most days outside, planting and digging and drawing and splashing.

.: Moving Frances up to a proper bed.  If you know Frances, you can imagine that keeping her in that bed is not an easy task.

.: Trying not to laugh too loud as we listen in on their conversations after bedtime. Mostly they go, "Neva...let's get out of bed! Neva, let's go back downstairs!"

.: Marveling at how a little thing like a new bed can make a baby seem like a little girl in one day.

.: Loving these long, lazy days of summer.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, this is almost too much to take in all at once! A few observations: That coveted chocolate cake is esp. beautiful with Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs. Four candles makes an awfully lot of fire, Neva! What a pretty and happy birthday girl! I can't even imagine bedtime w/out a crib--oh boy! Probably better to do that in summer :) Love you all!!
