Tuesday, July 14, 2015

.: Outside the Box :.


Neva and Frances love to draw.  Neva loves to draw princesses, families, and mermaids.  She includes lovely details in dresses and hairstyles.  Frances' drawings are just starting to evolve into forms with faces, eyes, arms (usually many, many appendages as you can see in the picture above) Frances loves to draw on her body and, as I discovered last week, the walls and doors in her room.

Maybe we should have been angry.  But looking at Frances in that moment I really just couldn't stop smiling at this little wild one, the one who will not be contained.  Some day this part of her personality might be a real challenge....for now, it's some drawings on the wall.

1 comment:

  1. She certainly has her very own, well-developed personality--we may need to frisk her when she comes to visit! ;). XO
